From Rustic Shed
to Cozy Retreat.
Converting sheds into living spaces has been a trend that shows no signs of slowing down.
We aim to give you a roadmap of expectations and considerations for a proper shed conversion process in North Carolina.
First step: Do your homework.
Turning a shed into a tiny home can be an exciting project! Deciding to use a shed as the “starter” for your tiny home can make the entire process less expensive than starting from scratch. It’s also a faster and easier process overall.
With that said, it is still important to do your research and know all that is entailed in your project – from the detailed residential code requirements to your finishing touches, you will want to consider the work and cost involved in completing a shed-to-home conversion
Don’t expect a shed company to be your general contractor.
Many believe that the starting point is working with a shed company that can manage the process. This is simply not the case. That would be like buying a car and asking the dealership to build you a garage. Purchasing the right shed is very important, but there are many other steps to consider as well. You will need to be prepared to handle details from permits to plumbing. You may even choose to hire a general contractor to help navigate the process. Regardless of your level of involvement, this site is a great place to get an introduction to the overall shed-to-home conversion process.
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It goes without saying, but we’ll say it anyway.
You must have property where you can place your shed.
While that might seem obvious, you will need to check with local zoning departments to see if they allow for the placement of a tiny home. If the tiny home is to be located in your backyard, local municipalities likely have specific requirements for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU). (Don’t confuse a shed-to-home conversion with a recreational vehicle (RV) or a tiny home on wheels.) HOA or community restrictions can come into play here as well.
You will need to ensure your location is accessible to electric and plumbing hookups. Most areas require plumbing to be connected to a sanitary sewer system. In some instances, it can be connected to an approved private sewage disposal system. Some jurisdictions may also require an inspection of your property to make sure it meets minimum habitability standards.
No matter what the property type is, you will need to be approved for zoning, which takes us to the big topic, permits.
There is no way around this. Your building must be permitted for use as a tiny home (or any shed conversion like a shed-to-office building).
Before you embark on a shed conversion project, permitting should be the number one consideration.
North Carolina has different zoning and building requirements depending on the location. Working with your local government will confirm if your location and plans are suitable for a shed conversion project.
Do not trust any website that tries to help you avoid this step. It simply isn’t worth the risk.
Be sure to click the button below to dive into some details about the permit process.
Shed Planning
Now we’re getting to the fun, creative part — planning your shed!
The shed is the key to the whole project. Not all sheds are created equal, so you will want to consider the following:
Shed Quality - you need a high-quality shed that is built to last
Shed Design - from choosing the shape, to siding, to special features, you can get super creative with the look of your shed
Shed Components - you will want to work with a company that offers upgrades for your project such as insulated egress windows and drywall corners
After you order your shed, you will need to plan for delivery as well. We have a lot of information to share about sheds so be sure to click the button below to learn more.
The Actual Conversion
The fun’s not done!
Once your shed gets delivered, that’s when the hands-on conversion actually starts.
To be fair, you will need to spend a lot of time upfront in the conversion plan. There’s a reason why they say, “Plan your work and work your plan.” That could not be more true with this kind of project!
Planning ahead will help in the permitting process, in designing the shed, and in budgeting.

Check out this checklist as a quick guide to help you get started with a shed-to-home conversion.
Want to scroll through some FrequentlyAsked Questions about a Shed-to-Home conversion? Today’s your lucky day! We have a FAQ page for you!